And a throwback interview with
The Dark Duet is a very intense series, possibly the most
intense many of us at TIB have read.....were you, yourself, ever emotional
while writing this story? MB
CJ: I was very emotional at times.
You have to understand, I write these stories all alone in a room. There are
times I laugh out loud and others that I cry. I’m very much in the moment when
things are unfolding. And yes, sometimes I’m even bored to death as I’m
writing, but I think all of it adds something to the storytelling.
How did you come up with the concept of Captive in the Dark?
CJ: It started one lonely night in
Germany. I was sitting in my hotel room with nothing to do and no one to call
and my mind began to wander. I’m a very anxious, slightly paranoid individual,
so kidnapping and rape were first to come to mind. When that passed, I got
bored and horny. So what’s a nerd to do on a Friday night if not dig out her
laptop and start writing? LOL!
What kind of research did you have to do for these books,
with this being such a sensitive topic? DS
CJ: I’m a people watcher, so a lot of
the psychology comes from my voyeurism. Additionally, I spent time overseas
where I witnessed some strange things. Nothing as horrible as what is in the
book, but sad nonetheless. I also researched a lot of geography, cultural
customs, military and government procedures, organizational charts, customs
procedures, weaponry, small engine planes…you name it – at some point I
researched it.
Was there any controversy over this book? If so, how did you
handle it? ST
CJ: Yes and no. Some people have
accused me of romanticizing rape or human trafficking, but that couldn’t be
further from the truth. This is a story about human nature. It’s a story about
our definitions of good and evil and what they truly mean. It’s about the birth
of evil and the struggle each of us has with our own dark side. It’s about
redemption and our quest for forgiveness.
Is it sick? Yes.
Is it funny? Yes.
Is it dirty? Yes.
Does it make you think? I hope so!
The truth is, a significant number of
women (between 40-60%) have rape fantasies. Additionally, 20% have them
frequently. I chose to explore this through my world of FICTION, while also
providing a thought-provoking subtext AND a storyline worthy of my readers
attention. I did not approach this lightly and I think ultimately, my readers
understood what I tried to do.
To those who didn’t understand it or
found it disgusting: That’s okay. Read something else. This is not a story for
I want to know what her extracurricular activities are, LOL!
But seriously, when you aren't writing, what do you do for fun? JH
CJ: I’m a karaoke fanatic! I’m not
internationally known – but I’ve been known to rock a microphone! (LOL!). Aside
from that, I’m usually reading m/m romance, riding my Harley, catching up on TV
Series, or spending time with my family. I don’t have much time for anything
else. Though, whenever possible – I LOVE to travel.
Livvie is such a strong character, which I think is part of
what makes these books so intriguing. If she were a "wet blanket",
the spell you cast over your readers may have broken. How important do YOU feel
Livvie's strength in character is for the book and where did your inspiration
for her come from?
CJ: Honestly, Caleb and Livvie are
both pieces of me. One of my favorite lines from ‘Captive in the Dark’ is: “It
had always seemed to me as though I were split into two people, but not
This line represents me the most and
I had it tattooed on my arm. Livvie is strong – even when she doesn’t want to
be and it’s a huge part of who I am.
There have been times in my life that
I have wanted to lie down and give up, but DAMN IT, I can’t do it. I am
incapable of surrender. It’s just not in me to give up and so I will always
fight – even when I don’t want to.
After finishing CITD, what were your thoughts and feelings on
continuing the story? CS
I knew I had a lot more story to
tell. However, given the fact that CitD and SitD are two very different books,
I knew splitting the story was the right thing to do. Some people were pissed
and thought I was dragging things out – but I think the real fans understand
that wasn’t the case.
CitD is about CAPTIVITY! SitD is
about SEDUCTION. They are two very different things and the characters in each
are very different indeed.
How did you feel about the ending to Seduced in the Dark? ST
The ending took me WEEKS to write. I
struggled so much with how to end things and to be honest, I wasn’t sure how it
was going to end until my fingers kept typing and I let them go where they
I cried when it was over. I mourned
them. I mourned the end of this journey. Still, I was happy it was over too. I
was happy they arrived at the place they wanted to be and I felt blessed I
could take them there.
Seduced in the Dark was so eloquently wrapped up with a very
hopeful ending of redemption and forgiveness. As a writer, how difficult is it
to tie in a sequence of dark events and plot lines that you know must
eventually lead to a (somewhat) happy ending? NG
I never wanted to subscribe to the
forgone conclusion of a ‘happy ending’. To be honest, I originally ended the
book very differently. What changed my mind was the yearning I could hear in my
heart. This may sound strange, but sometimes I think my characters are REAL.
They talk to me. And Caleb just wouldn’t let me sleep until I gave him what he
You are writing a spin off series based on at least one of
the characters from the series, will we see any other familiar faces,
specifically one with red hair? LS
Ah yes! Agent Reed and Sloan will
certainly be making an appearance again. I really loved these characters when
they burst into my consciousness. I think Matthew will be my guide into a more
mainstream audience. He’s every bit as tortured as my Caleb, but unlike my
anti-hero, Matthew has used his pain to fuel his hero complex. It’s going to
make for a very interesting character indeed.
Additionally, I love Agent Janice
Sloan. A lot of others didn’t care for her in SitD, but to be honest – the sick
puppy in me LOVES changing their minds. LOL! When she’s good, she great, but
when she’s bad – she’s better. ;)
Do you read books in the genre that you write? ST
I actually don’t. Additionally, I’m
not sure I fit into a genre, but if I were to guess, I would assume most put me
in BDSM erotica which I don’t read too much of. It’s not that I don’t enjoy it,
it’s that so much of the genre doesn’t include a meaty enough plot and it’s so
wrapped up in ‘Safe, Sane, Consensual’ that it reads more like a how-to instead
of fiction.
I want to be taken to THE EDGE! If I
wanted to play it safe, I’d read a romance (and sometimes I do).
Most typically I read paranormal
(romance or otherwise), sci-fi, or thrillers. My favorites are M/M books of any
genre. There’s just something about the way two men are written together as
equals that appeals to me. You don’t find a lot of ‘equality’ in straight
Are you working on anything at the moment? If so, will you
share with us? ST
Reed and Sloan! I hope to have it out
next year (if I ever get to start it! L)
town were you raised in and did it have any correlation to your writing? CS
North Hollywood, California. Yes and
no – I am a product of my experiences.
Where is your favorite place to write? Do you work on your books
during the day or wake frantic in the night having to put your thoughts into
words immediately? AM
Whenever inspiration strikes! I try
to write during the day at my computer downstairs, or at the library when my
house is hectic, but if I wake up in the middle of the night with one hell of
an idea – I run (not walk) to my laptop to write it down. Never wait!
made you decide to buy a new motorcycle? NG
Most of my friends in the area are
bikers, my hubby included so it was a natural progression of my interests. I
LOVE my new Harley. I can’t wait to ride it to Sturgis next year. J