Okay, I leave for Book Bash in about 14 hours, but I have EPIC news. Today, I received the green light to release exclusive information on a project that’s been in the works for a couple months now.
I won’t keep you in suspense.
I wouldn’t do that,
Not to my loyal and devoted readers,
Who’ve stuck by me through the drama,
OKAY, OKAY, I’ll get on with it!!!
And the best part is that they've asked me to act as Executive Producer which means they want my input on how to translate from a book medium to television. Yay!
The news was first released on Maryse’s Book Blog. I’m incredibly grateful to Maryse and her blog whose post about Captive in the Dark in early 2012 led to over a thousand sales in a single night. From there, you perverts devoured every word and shared your sickness with all your friends, and for that, I am eternally grateful.
I’d like to say, for the record, that nothing happens overnight (The book took eight years!). The road ahead is going to be arduous and I’d like to ask for your continued support as we try to make this TV series a reality. A lot can happen between now and selection by a network. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, help make this happen by sharing the news, posting reviews of the books, and encouraging everyone to
Don't forget to tweet:
#DarkDuet by @authorcjroberts has been optioned for TV! Sign the petition and let's make it happen. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/741/347/772/please-create-a-tv-series-based-on-the-dark-duet-by-cj-roberts/